Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The First 2 Minutes of the Mid-Season Premiere: The Walking Dead: Season 5

Don’t miss this exclusive first scene from the mid-season premiere of The Walking Dead. Watch the first TWO minutes of The Walking Dead mid-season premiere before it returns this Sunday at 9|8c.

The Walking Dead: Season 5

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Watch Mojo's Top 10 Walking Dead Characters

Maggie The Walking Dead

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Who Will Be In The Walking Dead Spin-Off

Here is what we think is going to go down by the end of Season 5 on the Walking Dead. Purely speculation, but you heard it hear first.

Noah, played by Tyler James Williams, will re-unite with Morgan played by Lennie James as a nephew or similar relative. This pair, will with a few other members of the hospital and Rick's group go in a different direction than the rest of the Walking Dead cast, and onto a new spin-off show, or at least long enough to kick it off as Morgan did on the parent series.

Morgan, The Walking Dead

Morgan, who appeared in Season One, and for the great episode, "Clear"  in Season 3 was teased at the end of the first episode this year, after the credits, but we have not seen him since.

Morgan was the first person that Rick (Andrew Lincoln) encountered when he woke up from his coma in Season One. Morgan had saved the life of the former policeman, who was disoriented and unaware of the zombie apocalypse plaguing the world since he was hospitalized.

As he adjusted to the new situation, Rick briefly stayed with Morgan and his young son, Duane (Adrian Kali Turner). The father and son taught Rick how to defend himself and parted ways after raiding the local police station for guns and ammunition.

Rick wanted to leave the area and search for his family in Atlanta; however, Morgan couldn’t leave until he killed his "walker" wife.

Rick held onto a radio throughout Season One as a way for Morgan to get in touch if he decided to head to Atlanta. Many episodes led off with Rick talking into the radio to an unavailable Morgan.

Crazy Morgan

In "Clear" found Rick, Carl (Chandler Riggs) and Michonne (Danai Gurira) searching for weapons at Rick’s old police station. It was in town that the group ran into Morgan. But Morgan wasn’t the same man who Rick had met in the past. Time and loss had changed him. Morgan had failed to kill his zombie wife. He explained that he had been too weak to pull the trigger, dooming his son. Duane had been approached by his reanimated mother, who attacked and bit him. Since then, crazy Morgan had holed up in a building with guns, ammunition and booby traps to stop any walkers in the area.

Morgan had refused to return with Rick’s group, who were staying at the prison at the time. The character’s fate remained a mystery until this season. Wearing a mask to cover his face, Morgan had been tracking man-made marks throughout the woods.

TVLine has reported that the Walking Dead spin-off will focus on two small families as well as another character, comprising the six central figures in the spin-off series. There will be the Cabreras, a father and son; the Tompkins, a single mother with two teenaged children; and Andrea Chapman, who is reeling from her own personal tragedy.

The full cast as listed by TVLine includes:

SEAN CABRERA | A Latino male in his early 40s, Sean is a good man trying to do right by everyone in his life.
CODY CABRERA | Sean's whip-smart and rebellious teenage son. Known as the angriest kid in town.
NANCY TOMPKINS | A thirtysomething single mom to two kids, Nancy looks like the girl next door, but there's an edge to her.
NICK TOMPKINS | Nancy's screwed up teenage son. He's too old to stay home, too scared to flee.
ASHLEY TOMPKINS | Nancy's mostly level-headed teenage daughter. Her ambition is in direct proportion to her older brother's failures. She loves her mom but it's time to get out of Dodge.
ANDREA CHAPMAN | A somewhat wilted flower child, fortysomething Andrea — yep, another Andrea! — has retreated to the outskirts of the city to recover after a horrible marriage.

So far there is no official word that Williams or James will be in the new series, or in next season of The Walking Dead, so we feel that as guest characters, the pair will serve as a bridge between the two shows, and possibly hopping in between them in the future.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Daryl and Carol Go For A Ride

Daryl and Carol Go For A Ride

Rob Bricken at IO9 writes, "When it hit the ground, I literally said aloud "Please let the zombies follow them," and then, from inside the van there was the wonderful sound of the first zombie hitting the roof, followed by a dozen more. It was awesome, it was funny, it was creepy, and it was perfectly staged."

Daryl and Carol Go For A Ride


Behind the Scenes -

The cast and crew of The Walking Dead describe how the van scene was created. - This one has the sound of the walkers falling on the van after the drop.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Eugene Explains The Mullet

From Season 5, Episode 5 - "Self Help"

Eugene Mullet The Walking Dead Comic Mullet

In honor of Eugene, here are a few more awesome mullets:

The Walking Dead Mullets


Thursday, October 23, 2014

What is Father Gabriel Up To?

Can't wait for Episode 3!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Monday, October 6, 2014

A Sneak Peek at Season 5 - Only a Few Days Left!

In this clip from AMC, the cast and crew of The Walking Dead share their expectations for Season 5.

A Sneak Peek at Season 5 - Only a Few Days Left!

Friday, July 25, 2014

The Walking Dead: Season 5 Trailer Will Blow Your Socks Off

Get an early look at the new season before it premieres on Sunday, Oct. 12 at 9pm.

The Walking Dead: Season 5 Trailer Will Blow Your Socks Off

The Walking Dead: Season 5 Trailer

The walkers are looking rough too.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Will Season 4 End With A Ned Stark Moment?

In HBO's Game of Thrones, the first season ended with one of the most shocking moments in television (well, for those of us who hadn't yet read George R.R. Martin's books anyways) when the perceived main character was beheaded.

In the television version of The Walking Dead the main character, Rick Grimes, played by Andrew Lincoln has a similar role to Ned Stark. He is in an incredibly rough situation, and has already survived multiple life-threatening situations, all the while remaining a role model for his son, Carl.

Now as what remains of the group converge on Terminus, the audience all know there is going to be a very tense episode ahead that will leave our heads spinning until the Fall, when the Walking Dead returns.

We know main characters are going to die. The trailer for the Season 4 finale of The Walking Dead above does little to change our view of that. The message talking about "Community for all" sounds like it's supposed to be a welcome and encouraging greeting, but it's creepy. Even the name 'Terminus' is creepy.

Also, in one (potentially) final lesson from father to son, in the clip above, Rick shows Carl how to set a snare.  We can be pretty sure the irony is that Terminus also a trap the group is headed for too.  Even Joe so much as told that to Daryl.

Rick Grimes at Terminus

At All Things Walking Dead, we think Rick is on the chopping block (and in Terminus that can be particularly grizzly).  The T.V. show has already demonstrated it is fine with getting rid of characters that are still alive in the comic version.

What could be more shocking for fans, and create even more of a buzz for the show, than to have Rick Grimes killed off?  Dale, no; Andrea, no; Rick, for sure.

Just remember folks, we called it.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Looking Ahead to Season Four

Here's a video that looks ahead to season four of The Walking Dead.

The show is reportedly casting a new regular character named Roy Stark, who is described as "a former army medic who is deeply haunted by his past -- pre- and post-zombie apocalypse... [and] as a result, he's a bit of a loner, although he maintains a charming/self-deprecating/confident public face. [TV Line]

Comics creator Robert Kirkman previews the fourth season, starting with the return of David Morrissey's Governor:

Yeah, he’s still very much in the mix. That’s certainly not the last that we’ll see of him. When we see him again and where we see him again, that’s the big question. It’s not going to be like it was in Season 3; it’s not going to be Rick and the Governor on a collision course with a conflict between them. He’ll be used in very different ways next season. 

Carl and Rick seemed to have almost switched roles to some degree, with Carl being incredibly cold and Rick finding a sense of optimism to some degree. How does that inform their relationship from this point forward?  
Rick has had a success. The people at the prison have survived this conflict with the Governor, he brought people from Woodbury into the prison, and he’s kind of had this big win. He’s had this moment where he’s brought people together and he’s doing good things. But he’s had this tremendous loss in that Carl has lost this piece of his humanity. This has been Rick’s main mission throughout the show, to protect his family. We’ve seen two very big failures on that front this season. Moving into next season, we’re going to see a very different Rick, but one of his main goals is to manage this situation with Carl and see if he can bring him back from this darkness that’s crept into him. Whether or not he’s able to do that, we’ll have to see. But this is a big change in the character of Carl, but it’s something that’s going to be weighing heavily on Rick next season.

Kirkman offers this general teaser for the upcoming season:

I’ll say that there are a lot of familiar elements that are remaining. Michonne is still around, Rick and his group are still in the prison, the Governor’s still out there… so there are a lot of things that are carrying over from Season 3 to Season 4, but I can’t stress how different things are going to be. There are going to be some radical changes to those elements that are going to bring in a lot of new storytelling. While [Season 4] does seem somewhat familiar, it’s going to be vastly different from Season 3.
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